The Venetian National Anthem / El Ino Nasionale Veneto

The Venetian National Anthem


(Venetian National Anthem)

Na Bandiera, na Léngoa, na Storia

  One Flag, one Language, one History

Le ne dà siviltà, forsa e gloria (e gloria!)

  Give us culture, strenght and glory (and glory!)

E ’l futuro splendor le tien alto

  And they feed the future brightness

Del gran pòpolo fiol de San Marco (San Marco!)

  Of the great People son of Saint Mark (Saint Mark!)

Na nasion, un cor solo, na vóxe

  One Nation, one heart, one voice

Cei e veci, toxati e tóxe

  Young and old, boys and girls

Che ’ntel cor i conserva ’l Leon

  Who hold the Lion in their hearts

No i se ciama mai vinti,

  They never give up,

I fa sù i fondaminti de un nóvo doman.

  (They) build up the foundations of a new tomorrow

Ne dà lustro ’ntel móndo la nostra onestà

  Our honesty makes us respected in the world

E la voja de far e de dare na man.

  as our will for doing and giving a hand

Fen fiorire la tera dai mónti al mar

  We make our Land flourish from the mountains to the sea

Defendémo la paxe e la libartà

  We defend peace and freedom

Tuti insieme co un solo cuor

  All together, with one heart

Tuti insieme na sola Nasion

  All together, one Nation

Rento el cor conservémo el Leon

  In our hearts we hold the Lion

No sarémo mai vinti,

  We will never be defeated

Fon sù i fondaminti de un nóvo doman.

  We build up the foundations of a new tomorrow

Viva! Viva! Viva! Libartà!

  Long live! Long live! Long live! Freedom!

Senpre! Senpre! Senpre! Libartà!

  Forever! Forever! Forever! Freedom! 

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