There follows a list of words and phrases that can be used. The list is not exhaustive, and BE CAREFUL: although grouped together, none is totally synonymous. Their position in the sentence can also vary.
Cueła che segue xena lista de parołe e fraxi che vien doparàe. ła lista no xe conpleta, e staxì atenti: anca se łe xe ragrupade insieme , no łe xe conpletamente sinonime una de chealtra. Anca ła poxision inte ła fraxe połe canbiare.
Listing - Ełencare | Giving examples-Fare exenpi | Generalising-Jenerałixare |
first, second, third - Primo, secondo, terso | for example - par exenpio | in general - in jenerałe |
first, furthermore, finally Par primo, in pì, ała fine | for instance - par prinsipio | usually - de sołito |
to begin, to conclude - scumisiare, concludare | as follows: - come che segue: | on the whole - tut'al più |
next - dopo | that is -che xe/che vołe dire | as a rule - de norma |
Reinforcement - Rinforso | in this case- in sto caxo | for the most part - Pa'l pì groso |
also - anca | in other words - co altre parołe | in most cases - ła major parte dełe volte |
furthermore - in pì | ||
not only ... but also - no soł anca | Result/consequence - Rixultato, conseguensa | Highlighting - Sotołineare |
what is more - e cueło che xe pì | so - cuindi | in particular - in particołare |
in addition - in pì | therefore-de conseguensa | particularly - particołarmente |
besides - nonostante | as a result/consequence - come rixultato/conseguensa | especially - specialmente |
above all - nonostante tuto | accordingly - secondo | mainly - prinsipalmente |
as well (as) - come | in that case - in chel caxo | Reformulation- Riformułasion |
in the same way - ała stesa maniera | because of this/that - par colpa de cuesto/cueło | in other words - in altre parołe |
thus - cusì | rather - invese | |
Similarity - Somejansa | hence - donca | to put it more simply - par dirla pi fasiłe |
equally - al steso liveło | for this/that reason - par cuesto/cueło | alternative - alternativa |
likewise - come | so that - cusì che | alternatively - in alternativa |
similarly - someja a | another possibility would be - n'altra posibiłità sarìa | |
in the same way - ała stesa maniera | on the other hand - da chealtra parte/banda | |
Deduction - dedusion | the alternative is - l'alternativa xe | |
Transition to new point - canbiare discorso | then - cuindi | |
now, - deso, | in other words - co altre parołe | Contrast - contrasto |
as far as x is concerned - in riferimento a X/ rispeto a X | in that case - in chel caxo | instead - invese |
with regard/reference to- par cueło che riguarda/se riferise a | otherwise - se no fuse cusì | in comparison - conparà co |
as for ... - parlando de... | this implies that ...- che inplica che | on the contrary - al contrario |
it follows that - se ne deduxe che | if so/not - se/senò | in contrast - de contro |
turning to - canbiando discorso, | Stating the obvious - Costatare l'ovio | |
Summary - Riasùmare | obviously - oviamente | Concession (sth unexpected) Concesion (calcosa de inaspetà) |
in conclusion - in concluxion | clearly - xe ciaro che | however - comuncue |
to conclude - par concludare | naturally - naturalmente | even though - anca se |
in brief - in breve | of course - par forsa | nevertheless - nonostante |
to summarise - par riasùmare | as can be expected - come che se połe spetarse | yet - uncora |
therefore - cuindi | surely - sicuramente | still - uncora |
after all - tuto somà |
Here are just a few examples of some of the words in action:
Eco un pochi de exenpi de alcune de ste parołe in asion:
Desktop computers are cheaper and more reliable than laptops; furthermore, they are more flexible.Eco un pochi de exenpi de alcune de ste parołe in asion:
I computer fisi costa manco e xe pì afidabiłi dei portatiłi, in pì, i xe pì personałixabiłi.
RESULT/CONSEQUENCE - RIXULTATO/CONSEGUENSAPrices fell by more than 20% last year. As a result, sales increased by 15%.
I presi xe caładi de pì del 20% el ano pasà. De conseguensa, łe vendite xe cresùe del 15%.
GENERALISING - JENERALIXAREOn the whole, his speech was well received, despite some complaints from new members.
In jeneałe el so discorxo xe stà apresà, a parte cualche lamenteła de parte dei menbri novi.
The South East of the UK often has the coldest weather in the winter. Conversely, the North West of Scotland frequently has the mildest temperatures.
El sud-est del Regno Unìo ga speso el clima pi fredo in inverno. Al contrario, el Nord-Ovest deła Scosia rejistra speso łe tenperature pi miti.
It was a very expensive holiday, the weather was bad and the people weren’t very friendly. Nevertheless, we would probably go back to the same place.
La xe stà na vacansa tanto cara, el tenpo xe stà bruto e ła xente no jera tanto amichevołe. Nonostante tuto, probabilmente tornaremo inte'l staso posto.
Thanks to/grasie a:
Could the English speakers be helped by having a pronunciation guide on this blog? Many may not understand the correlation between the writing and the proper pronunciation of the different language. Prof. Woodbury
ReplyDeleteOf course! I beg your pardon, Boss...there are many other important things still missing...and so few time to add them! :) As you suggest, pronunciation guide goes next! See you tomorrow for checking! :)