Vulgar expressions / Espresion volgari
Ciavare: cheat/steal/fuck. Vulgar but very popular.
Ex: El barista me ga ciavà vinti schei de resto! The bartender got me 20 cents of change!
Or: Te credevi in łu e te sì restà ciavà. You believed in him and you got screwed!
Ciavarsene: do not care or be concerned. Vulgar but very popular.
Ex: No me ne ciava de cosa che pensa Marco! I don't care what Marco thinks!
Or: Ma ciàvatene! Don't think about it! / Leave it! / Don't care about it!
Not vulgar: dixinteresarse, łasar stare, mołare
Che cas(s)o...: lit. what dick... meaning What the fuck ... Vulgar. Caso can double the s both in sound and writing according to the intonation...just like if it was correct to write"What the ffuck??"
Ex: Che caso vuto da mi, ronpicojoni? What the fuck you want from me, "ballbreaker"?
Or: Cossa casso gheto dito deso?? What the fffuck have you said now??
Casso!: lit.dick!: Interjection, as damn it!, fuck!, man!. Vulgar.
Ex: Casso che małe! Fuck! What a pain! Or: A te ghè raxon, casso! Damn, you are right!
Parlare pa'l caso: lit. to talk for the cock meaning to talk unusefully. Vulgar.
Not vulgar: Parlare par gnente. Talk for nothing.
Ex: Parlare pa'l caso xe boni tuti. Everyone is able to speak for nothing.
Fare calcosa da cuło: lit. to do something as an ass meaning to do something badly.
Not vulgar: Fare calcosa co' i pie. lit. to do something with your feet
Ex: Sto vin xe fato da cuło parché no el ga ripoxà in butiliete. This wine is badly done beause it didn't rest in little bottles.
Dire/Fare calcosa ała carlona/Michełaso: lit. say/do something as "Big Carla"/"Bad Michael" meaning say/do things randomly, illogically Vulgar.
Not vulgar: Dire/fare calcosa a vànvara/a caxo. To prettle.
Ex: Te ghè senpre da fare łe robe ała caso ti, vero? You always have to do things without thinking, don't you?
Fare cagare: lit. to inspire potty moments meaning to suck, to disgust. Vulgar.
Ex: Te fè cagare! You suck! Or: Te me fè cagare! You disgust me!
Little vulgar: Fare schifo. Ex: Te fè schifo. Or: Te me fè schifo.
Farse seghe mentałi: lit. to do mental handjobs meaning to worry about unnecessary problems, to build castles in the sky. Ex: Se te ghe ła mołi de farte seghe mentałi, tuto ndarà ben! If you stop building castles in the sky, everything will be all right!
Esare / Restare incułà: to be /get fucked, to remain deceived. Vulgar. Ex: Pensavo che el vołese jutarme e invese sò restà incułà. I thought he wanted to help me and instead I was fucked!
Che cuło (che el ga)! : lit. What an ass (he has)! meaning What luck! Quite vulgar.
Not vulgar: Che fortuna!
Esare na bała/na noxa: lit. to be a ball/a walnut meaning be boring. Not so vulgar.
Ex: Jani xe na noxa, no so bon de parlarghe pì de sincue minuti. John is so boring, I can not talk to him more than 5 minutes. Or: El concerto jera na bała, The concert was boring.
Che bałe/cojoni (che fa vegnere): lit. What balls/testicles (makes it come up) meaning It sucks! It's boring! Quite vulgar.
Ex: Che cojoni! Stùa sta noxa! How boring! Turn off this boring thing! (movie, song,..)
Avere łe bałe/i cojoni de far calcosa: to have the balls to do something, to have the courage or the will. Vulgar but widespread. Ex: Par mi Jijo parla tanto ma ała fine no el ga łe bałe par ndare fin infondo. For me James talks a lot but in the end he doesn't have the balls to go all the way.
Avere łe bałe/i cojoni pieni (de calcosa): lit. to have balls full (of something), be sick and tired (of something). Vulgar.
Ex: Ghe ne go i cojoni pieni de sto conportamento! I'm fucking sick of this behavior!
Ronpare łe bałe: lit. to break balls meaning to piss off someone. Vulgar but very popular. Also esare un ronpibałe ( lit. to be a ballbreaker) is really used.
Less vulgar: Ronpare łe scatołe/ronpiscatołe (lit. to break boxes/boxbreaker)
Ronpare i cojoni/ronpicojoni have the same meaning but are even more vulgar.
Far jirare łe bałe/ i cojoni: lit. make the balls spin meaning to annoy someone. Vulgar.
Ex: Stà 'tento, che te sì drìo farme jirare i cojoni...Be careful, you are pissing me off...
Avere łe bałe/i cojoni jiràe/i: lit. have the balls twisted meaning to be nervous. Vulgar.
Ex: Eco, deso go proprio i cojoni jirài! Here we go, now I'm definitely pissed off!!
Orco / Cheła vaca / Maria / Diavoło porco / Porco e fora: damn. Interjection. Little vulgar.
Ex: Cheła vaca, me go desmentegà ła pignata so'l fogo! Damn, I forgot the pot on the fire!
Many of these interjection come from more vulgar versions, which are modified to sound less...heavy. Those vulgar versions belong to the blasphemy world, and if you want to know them, below you have a specifically dedicated chapter.
Attention! If you believe in a paranormal entity you might be offended by the objective scientific description of the linguistic reality stated below.
In Venetian Language, such as in Tuscan, blasphemies are strongly present as interjections in many occasions, and despitethe fact that they have always been considered vulgar historically like today, they have been used extremely often in both high and low Venetian society.
Blasphemies include raging against gods and saints, insulting them, making them change shape juxtaposing them different animals, making them do bad things and much much more.
Almost every vulgar man uses them every day, but almost everyone employs them "as necessary".
They are used mostly in emotional situations, but not only; let's see some examples:
-Sudden pain: [TUN!] Dio can can can porco! Chel can de chel boia de dio! Madona troia go batùo el deo menèo! [TUN!] Aahh! Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Fuck you mother fucker! I've knocked my pinkie!
-Surprise: Madona putana che regało! Anca masa! Woah, what a present! Even too much!
-Fear: Dio can! Na ava! Fuck! A bee!
-Missing word jolly: Pasame chel dio boia, par piasere. Pass me that thing, please.
-To say someone is stupid: Te sì un porco dio. You are an idiot.
-meaning "and now?" in negative situations: La porta xe sarà. Porco dio? The door is closed, and now?
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